Mixed Choir and piano/organ
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Les Quatre estacions (The four seasons) (1993) 12'
Text: Josep Carner
Premiere: Palau de la Música Catalana, Barcelona -
14.12.1994 - Cor de Cambra del Palau, cond. Jordi Casas
Commission: Coral de Cambra del Palau.
Recording: CD
Publisher: Dinsic (Barcelona)
The Grove (1994) 10'
Text: Octavio Paz
Premiere: Mt. Saint Angel (EEUU) - 4.5.1994 - Portland
Symphonic Choir, cond: Bruce Browne.
Commission: Portland Symhonic Choir.
Recording: CD
Publisher: B&M, Barcelona
Sardana Universal (The Universal Sardana) (2003) 9’
Text: Lluís M. Xirinacs
Premiere: Europa Cantat. Palau de Congressos (Barcelona)
-20.7.2003- cond.: Lluís Sala
Commission: Europa Cantat. Songbridge
Publisher: B & M, Barcelona
Note: There are two versions of this piece: the original one for children choir and piano and a second one for mixed choir and piano
Missa Brevis (2007) (for children’s choir and organ) 15’
Premiere: Auditori Winterthur (Barcelona). 30-3-2008.
Cor Vivaldi; cond.: Oscar Boada.
Commission: Cor Vivaldi
Publisher: B&M, Barcelona
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXGzewb4SQc
Note: There is also a version for children’s choir and strings
Three Songs of the Musical “Fang i Setge”
(2015) (for mixed choir and piano) 9’
Publisher: B&M, Barcelona
Oda Infinita (2016)
(for mixed choir and organ or piano) 12’
Publisher: B&M, Barcelona